Tales from the kitchen

Tag: dinner delivered

Guest blogger: Marjorie Aunos - Becoming a parent with a disability and what dinner means

Marjorie with her son in an apple orchard

A few weeks ago I wrote about my friend and colleague, Dr Marjorie Aunos, from the West Montreal Readaptation Centre in Montreal, Canada. Marjorie recently visited Sydney and gave a lecture about her experiences from leading research into parenting with a disability to becoming a parent with a disability herself.


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The problem with too much to say...
Cup of tea on a wooden table
I'm often known to talk too much
To rattle on for hours and such
But since this dinner journey's start
And, this I say with all my heart
I've found this blog provides a sort
Of vent to all my endless thoughts...

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With age comes wisdom

Image of reading glasses lying on an open book

With age comes wisdom. The senior recipe tester is older than I. And therefore, I assume, wiser.

For instance, he was recently faced with a challenging situation. He took the eldest  junior recipe testers to swimming lessons. One was able to change in the boys change room, a place where the senior could render assistance. The other had to change in the opposite gender change room.

Only one junior needed assistance.

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A child's mouth, smiling with a bottom tooth missing

How it started...

Image of a child's mouth with a front tooth missing

I never thought for a second that a lost tooth would cause so much trouble. After all, it wasn't even MY tooth that fell out. But trouble it did cause.

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A bit busy...

Picture of a lit match in the night

I was all poised to write something witty and amusing. But I can't. I'm a bit busy.

Yesterday, in the big kitchen, I inadvertently started a fire.

I did not pay due regard to Kate's protests that she could smell something burning...

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Building a longer table

If you are more fortunate than others it is better to build a longer table than a taller fence

This morning I spent a number of hours talking to someone I'd never previously met about Dinner on the Table. You'll be surprised to know that it's one of my favourite things to talk about. We talked about lots of different aspects of this little idea. But when I boil it down in my mind what we're really talking about is the building of a community. For us, it's a community around a table.


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Making the most of it...

Park very late in the dayWith this unseasonably warm (well, weird really) weather, we have felt that we should make the most of the warm afternoons. We dutifully planned a weekend trip to the park. It seemed such a good idea. Turns out it wasn't really.

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The great muster

The grand-master fixing the gate on the farm

Living in community can be challenging. This is perhaps made more particularly so when you live in community with those who know you best. Those with whom you have spent extensive amounts of time. Basically, those you are related to.

With the long weekend looming we decided to get out of Sydney for a few days. We sought wide open spaces, and green pastures. We found a three bedroom, two bathroom house with the most magnificent view. We found 200 acres of wide open space. And when we arrived, there were eleven other people to share it with.

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Getting out into the great outdoors

Picture of two junior recipe testers helping load bikes onto a bike rack

We're routinely told it is good for juniors to be active and spend time outdoors. Too right. And so we thought to do just that. A trip to the park, a ride on the bikes, throw in a few cousins and you pretty much have junior-recipe-tester nirvana.

Drink bottles. Check. Morning tea. Check. Hats and sunscreen. Check, check. Bikes. ...Ah.

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Time to think differently...