The problem with too much to say...

I'm often known to talk too much
To rattle on for hours and such
But since this dinner journey's start
And, this I say with all my heart
I've found this blog provides a sort
Of vent to all my endless thoughts
To rattle on for hours and such
But since this dinner journey's start
And, this I say with all my heart
I've found this blog provides a sort
Of vent to all my endless thoughts
The silly tales of family life
Of triumph, challenges and strife
But some weeks, when it's done and said
The juniors sorted, all well fed
There comes this sort of Tuesday gnawing
This week has been kind of boring
Of triumph, challenges and strife
But some weeks, when it's done and said
The juniors sorted, all well fed
There comes this sort of Tuesday gnawing
This week has been kind of boring
And while I've always much to say
The stories seem to go away.
And when this happens - every time!
This blog, it always seems to rhyme
And now I realise, with dismay
It takes this long for little to say...
This blog, it always seems to rhyme
And now I realise, with dismay
It takes this long for little to say...
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We exist to care for you through really good food. Whether it's your weeknight family meal, your big life celebrations or your large corporate events, we'd love to cook for you.
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