Australia's Biggest (and most beautiful!) Morning Tea
On Thursday, in collaboration with the Hills Super Centre, we hosted a morning tea for 50 people, all seated at a single, long table. Surely, it was Australia's biggest morning tea table (although our research to determine that fact is a little light!)
The morning tea raised valuable funds for the Cancer Council, as well as providing dinner for over 50 people from families living with disability. The principal of Jasper Road Public School, Mr Craig Warner accepted Dinner on the Table's ready made meals that were delivered to families of children with disabilities, who attend the Jasper Road Public School Support Unit.
Photos courtesy of Just Cuts Hills Super Centre
The Jasper Road PS concert and performing bands also performed during the event and were outstanding.
We want to thank our special guests, Jo Abi, from 9Honey who shared her experiences as a mum of children with disabilities and a recipient of Dinner on the Table dinners in a time of extreme stress. Her honesty, and her grace were humbling. You can read her story here.
Our thanks also to Hills Shire Mayor, Clr Dr Michelle Byrne, who in a former life was a cancer researcher. We were honoured that Clr Byrne was able to join us and share her passion for the importance of research into cancer.
I am so very grateful to the team at the Hills Super Centre, who captured the vision of what a community event might look like, who saw the benefit of bringing the community together, and who got behind an event to support some of Australia's most vulnerable: both those with cancer, and those with disabilities. We can't wait to start planning the next one, and catering for the community fund raising event!
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We exist to care for you through really good food. Whether it's your weeknight family meal, your big life celebrations or your large corporate events, we'd love to cook for you.
And together, we can change the daily lives of families living with disability. Find out about our social mission here.