Outsider to Insider: Rethinking mothering support
    This week I had the great privilege of attending a lecture given by Dr Marjorie Aunos. Marjorie is both a colleague and friend, from the West Montreal Readaptation Centre in Canada. She has made a huge contribution to what we know about people with intellectual disability (ID) who are parents, and is a world expert in the field of parenting with ID. In January 2012, on her way to work, Marjorie's car slipped on black ice into the path of an oncoming truck. In a quarter of a second she became a paraplegic. And her life changed. There were skills to learn, and skills to relearn. There were long weeks in a hospital bed as her body recovered....

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The karate chop that wasn't

Black and white image of hands in a karate pose

I am glad that I'm able to write this. I might have been unable. This afternoon I narrowly avoided a karate chop. From someone I love.

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Time to think differently...

What's in it for me?

Notebook and cup of tea on a table

This week I met with someone from a large disability organisation. We discussed Dinner on the Table (now there's a news flash for you), what we do, and what our goals are. We discussed the possibilities of a partnership between our two services. Quite appropriately, the question was raised: what's in it for us?

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Strategic planning and beans

Green beans in a line on a wooden board

When a number of people live in the one household there are going to be times when you wonder just how you're going to make it all fit. Too many people, too many places, too little time. You know the deal.

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Social enterprise - innovation at its finest?

Inside of a hot air balloon

I am very grateful to Parramatta City Rotary Club for inviting me to present to their meeting last week. They not only put on a delicious lunch (I'm always motivated by good food), but were very interested in what Dinner on the Table is doing in the social sector and eager to offer their support. We look forward to staying in touch!

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When the chips are down...

Chips (french fries) lying on a wooden board

This week I've had pause to consider our own daily routine. Mostly I've had pause because I, along with every member of the clan, have been down with a virus. Day to day we generally manage just fine...

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The plunger and the puller

Medicine plungers

This week we have dealt with colds. All of the juniors have suffered through a rather vicious bug complete with endless high fevers. I've learned a few things.

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What if...

Tomatoes on a chopping board in a question mark shape

From July this year the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be rolled out across NSW. This scheme represents a major shakeup of how support services have been provided to date for people with disabilities and their families.

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Family wellbeing

Silver pot on the stove, with a wooden spoon resting on the rim, below a black hanging ladle

I want you to think back to what you did this morning, from the time when you first woke up. Did you drink a cup of tea? Sit and read the paper? Catch up on emails? Dress and feed children? Chase the bin truck down the street, because, curses, if you don't catch it there's going to be a hell of a problem by Sunday?

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